preparing oil and gas company


I have look at announcement that PT. pertamina is hiring talented young fresh graduate. PT. PERTAMNIA has opened recruitment campus in popular university in Indonesia including my university at the Universitas Gadjah Mada. Deadline registered this development graduate program on may, 31, 2017.
I think that I am interesting for this position especially in electrical engineering. I actually apply for a job what I am interested there. I often apply for a job what I feel that this position is relevant to my background study.
I have enroll my resume in my faculty and ECC UGM. I am convenient to obtain form in faculty of engineering. I hope I can fulfill the requirement for electrical engineering development program. I will be delighted to attend this selection of recruitment campus to entrance this oil and gas company.
I hope that I can finish this test until final selection.


I also see an announcement that PT. BADAK NGL is also hiring recent graduates. This deadlline register for this recruitment on may, 31, 2017. there is a friend shared in social media line and also resgister is opened in ECC UGM.
I also prepare some document to entry Management Trainee PT. BADAK NGL. I am busy to take care my application to register this vacancy. My budget money is lack so that I borrow money to my friend to make free drug from government hospital. But I am not still affordable to make this document so that I don't make this document. I just plunge my appication to ECC UGM as soon as possible. I only hope a miracle that PT.BADAK NGL call me to attend selection test in order to I can an opportunity to get a job in the PT BADAK NGL.
